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The Sumerian King List and the Anunnaki Gods

Writer's picture: Faruq ZamaniFaruq Zamani

There are many theories about the origins of humanity.

You may have heard some of the theories surrounding the origins of humanity.

The most common theory, evolution, describes human development over billions of years as a slow process of changes in species and the environment.

Alternatively, creation myths holds that a higher power created humans at one point (although exactly when is certainly up for debate).

Some people believe that life on Earth originated from a single-celled organism that arrived here from another planet. This idea is known as panspermia.

While this theory more or less supports science's version of human evolution, it also has similarities to creationism because it posits an external creator that created life on Earth.

The Sumerian king list was described in the epic tale of ili-sgig.

The Sumerian King List is a list of kings who ruled the land of Sumer. The list was written in cuneiform, translated as "Kingship descended from heaven." The Sumerian King List was described in the Epic Tale of Ili-Sgig.

Eridu was believed to be the residence of the gods in the ancient near east.

Eridu (Sumerian:; Cuneiform: 𒀭𒌍; Akkadian: irîtu modern Arabic: Tell Abu Shahrain) was long considered the earliest city in southern Mesopotamia and is still today argued to be the oldest city in the world. Located 12 km southwest of Ur, Eridu was the southernmost of a conglomeration of Sumerian cities that grew about temples, almost in sight of one another. In Sumerian mythology, Eridu was originally the home of Enki, later known by the Akkadians as Ea, who was considered to have founded the city. His temple was called E-Abzu ("abzu temple," ab being the word for ocean or water), as Enki was believed to live in Abzu ("deep sea"), an aquifer from which all life was believed to stem.

Nibiru was believed to be the mother planet of our solar system.

The Sumerian King List details all of the rulers of Earth dating back to before the great flood. The list is just as it sounds; a list of kings, their kingdoms, and the length of their reigns. In total, eight kings ruled for 241,200 years from when the gods first created humankind on Earth. Each king was said to have ruled for several thousand years until, finally, a great flood swept over the Earth and wiped out humankind.

After all of humanity was killed by a flood sent from heaven to punish them for being too noisy (a common theme in other ancient creation legends), another set of rulers stepped forward and began rebuilding civilization. According to Zecharia Sitchin, this group was not men but beings called Anunnaki who visited us from another world called Nibiru. Some ancient alien theorists believe Nibiru to be a planet within our solar system that orbits around our Sun in an elliptical pattern every 3,600 years. This hypothetical planet is also sometimes called Planet X or Hercolubus and has been connected with other doomsday theories such as that predicted by Nancy Lieder.

The king list describes an elite group of god-kings who ruled specific cities.

The king list describes an elite group of god-kings who ruled specific cities. These God kings are linked to the Anunnaki gods, who were said to be the sons and daughters of the chief god called Anu. According to Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki helped create humans by altering the DNA of primates. The Sumerian belief was that humans were created as enslaved people under the Anunnaki gods.

Most of these kings had reigns lasting thousands of years (some even lasted tens or hundreds of thousands). Studies have suggested that some of these rulers were actual historical figures, but there is evidence that many are not real people. Some believe that many of these names represent deities from earlier times which may not have been flesh and blood human beings.

One example is En-me-Nuna, ruler over Kish for about 28,000 years before being overthrown by Eannatum in 2494 BC. Alulim reigned for 28,800 years over Eridu before being replaced by Alalngar in 2589 BC after a five-year struggle with his successor.

The library of Babylon is a collection of clay tablets, primarily written in cuneiform.

The library of Babylon is a collection of clay tablets, primarily written in cuneiform. Cuneiform is a form of writing inscribed on clay tablets, usually by pressing a reed into the clay while it is still moist. This particular writing style was used widely in ancient Sumer and Babylon.

Sargon was a king who ruled historically and possibly had interactions with suezi cultures.

Sargon of Akkad is one of the most historically significant figures in Mesopotamian history. The best-known archaeological evidence of his existence are the inscriptions found on stone and clay tablets, but he is also mentioned on the Sumerian King List, a document that lists kings who ruled before and during the rise of ancient Sumer.

The Sumerian King List records Sargon as an early ruler of Uruk (the city where Gilgamesh was king). The list states that he reigned for 56 years and was succeeded by his son Rimush. He is also named the king of Kish.

We know very little about Sargon’s life or even if he existed (some historians believe that Sargon could be an early mythical figure). However, it is worth noting that there are some interesting parallels between him and another legendary figure from Mesopotamian history: Gilgamesh. It is possible that this connection may not be coincidental—it might have been deliberate on the part of ancient storytellers, who were trying to draw comparisons between Gilgamesh and this older king.


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