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The Anunnaki in the Bible, a.k.a. the Watchers or Nephilim

Writer's picture: Faruq ZamaniFaruq Zamani

Updated: Apr 19, 2022


The Watchers are angels from the Old Testament. Their original assignment, according to Jude 1:6, was to watch over mankind. However, they became corrupted by their lust for human women and sought to copulate with them. This type of union was strictly forbidden by God and the Watchers were promptly punished.

According to some interpretations of Biblical scripture, the offspring of these illicit unions are the Nephilim, a race of giants whose existence is also recorded in the Bible and other ancient texts such as Enoch (I Enoch 7:2). According to Genesis 6:4, it was this race that prompted God’s decision to “destroy all flesh” by flooding the earth.


The Parables of Enoch are a collection of parables, similitudes and short stories that were supposedly told by the Biblical figure Enoch. The Parables are found in 1 Enoch 37-71, which is a separate work from the first 36 chapters.

Astronomical Book

In the Astronomical Book, you will find a description of the Anunnaki as beings that look like humans. In this book, they are said to have been created by God to help Him keep control over the Earth and mankind. You can also find this description in other religious books, such as Christian texts and Islamic texts.

Dream Visions

The first of Enoch's visions were in his youth, when he was a leader of men and was given the title “God-fearing” (Enoch 4:1). These early visions describe seeing angels descending from heaven and praying outside their camp. In response to those prayers, God sent rain to water a drought-stricken land. While it is unclear if these angels are the same as the Anunnaki, there are some similarities in this vision to descriptions of the Anunnaki that have come down through modern scholars.

What follows is a description of several dream visions:

  • Visions Of The Holy Ones (Enoch 5)

  • Dreams Of Enoch (Enoch 6)

  • Visions Of The Watchers (Enoch 7)

  • Dreams Of The Watchers' Sons (Enoch 8)

  • Dreams Of The Giants (Enoch 9 & 10)

  • Visions Of The Giants (Enoch 11 & 12)

Epistles Of Enoch

The Anunnaki are also mentioned in the Book of Enoch. In this book, Enoch, who was seventh from Adam, prophesies about these men: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him." (Jude 14-15) This prophecy fits well with what we know about the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki were great leaders as described above and left a very large impact on mankind's ways. They were often worshipped as gods because they had such a large influence on humanity's ancient history. This prophecy is also found in First Enoch 1:9.

This passage also shows us that not only were there more than one Anunnaki present during those times but that there would be even more presently when Christ returns to Earth at His second coming! It will be an awesome sight!


We have to bear in mind that the Bible is a source of information about ancient history in general and not just Jewish or Christian history. We must also understand that the events of this time period are not being presented in a chronological order. The book of Genesis covers many millennia, going all the way back to the creation of our planet. To this day there is debate over how long it took for life to evolve on Earth, with estimates ranging from hundreds of millions to billions of years. [1] The Genesis account alone spans more than two millennia according to modern scientific dating methods, when we consider the time between its creation and flood narratives.

The first humans in Genesis chapter 1 were vastly different from their descendants in chapter 6: they lived for hundreds of years before death came upon them; they lived during a time when “the sons of God” came unto humans and produced offspring that were giants; and these giants were men “of old” – not ordinary humans who lived during ancient times. As far as we can tell, these beings had remarkable physical strength, extraordinary abilities and knowledge, and great longevity as well as extended lifespans compared to us today. They didn’t believe they would die “like one of us” (Ezekiel 28:7) because they did indeed live longer than normal humans – their DNA was some kind of hybridized version which gave them these traits.

Sumerian Tablets

The Sumerian Tablets are clay tablets from the ruins of ancient Sumerian cities. They are made of clay and are in the Cuneiform Script. The tablets date to around 3000 BCE, making them the oldest known writing in the world! They were written in the Sumerian language, which has yet to be deciphered completely. There are many different types of tablets and they range in size from that of a pea to a large brick! A few years ago, an ancient tablet was discovered that depicts a flood much like that described by Noah. It is estimated that this tablet is over 6,000 years old.


Anak is a Biblical figure said to have been the forefather of the Anakim. In Numbers 13:33 he is described as a forefather of the Anakim, who seem to have lived in the south of the land of Canaan, near Hebron.

The name "Anak" means "long-necked", and is often translated as "giant". The name comes from Hebrew ענק ('anq), which means "necklace". (See also: Zephaniah 3:11).

The Anakim are referenced by several Old Testament titles. King David is said to be descended from them (1 Chronicles 20:5–8) as well as Caleb ben Jephunneh who was sent by Moses on a mission to spy out Canaan (Numbers 13:22). They are called sons of Anak there. The spies reported that they were tall and strong. The description has led some scholars to identify them with either the Nephilim or Rephaim mentioned in other passages (Genesis 6:4; Deuteronomy 2:11–12; Joshua 17:15; 2 Samuel 21:16–22) or with Philistines or Zamzummites mentioned elsewhere in Deuteronomy 2 and Joshua 15:14, respectively


You may not be familiar with the Anunnaki gods, but you've probably heard of angels. The lore surrounding both of these myths is similar. Angels have many physical characteristics associated with them that are also often used to describe the Anunnaki:

  • Wings

  • Halos

  • Swords and spears

  • Musical instruments (e.g., harps)

These traits aren't just used for description; they are integral parts of each religion's narrative. In Christianity, angels are depicted as bringing messages from God to humans and then protecting those that believe in God until Judgment Day comes. In Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki have similar responsibilities; they were known as messengers between gods and mortals, as well as protectors of the world from the forces of chaos and destruction.

The Anunnaki have been connected to the Bible.

  • The Anunnaki were aliens from another planet that came to earth and interacted with humans.

  • They were described as 7-14 foot tall beings with humanlike features.

  • They had advanced technology, which was used to construct the pyramids of Egypt.

  • According to Sitchin’s translation of the Sumerian tablets, the Anunnaki were “sent down” by their god Enki when they learned gold was on Earth.

If you are a Bible reader, you will find references to these giants in Genesis 6:1-4: "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man for he is also flesh; yet his days shall be 120 years. There were giants in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came unto daughters of men and they bore children unto them."


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