Nude Winged Goddess Holding Two Gazelles # Kingdoms of SumeriaRyan MoorhenFeb 1, 20181 min readNude Winged Goddess Holding Two Gazelles; Tree with Bird and Fish, Two Kneeling AntelopesCylinder seal and impressionNorthern Mesopotamia, Mitannian period (ca. 1600 B.C.–1350 B.C.) Marble 21 x 10 mm Seal no. 1051See more information »#KingdomsofSumeria#sumerian#sumerianblog
Nude Winged Goddess Holding Two Gazelles; Tree with Bird and Fish, Two Kneeling AntelopesCylinder seal and impressionNorthern Mesopotamia, Mitannian period (ca. 1600 B.C.–1350 B.C.) Marble 21 x 10 mm Seal no. 1051See more information »#KingdomsofSumeria#sumerian#sumerianblog