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Libation Vase of Gudea

Writer: Ryan MoorhenRyan Moorhen

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

Libation Vase of the God Ningishzida Neo-Sumerian era, around 2120 BC.

The inscription reads: “To the god Ningiszida, his god Gudea, Ensi (governor) of Lagash, for the prolongation of his life/health, has dedicated this" 

This is the earliest known instance of the Caduceus.  Ningiszida was a guardian of the higher realm, and thought to be the equivalent of Thoth and Hermes, Hermes-Trismegistus, and the early MesoAmerican god, Quetzalcoatl.   

"Ningishzidda is credited with providing Gudea, one of Sumer’s most enlightened and well-known rulers (22nd century B.C.E.) a set of divine instructions, a “holy stylus”, in which the direction and orientation of a great temple could be established.”  The temple, was a ziggurat, a Seven stage pyramid, and Ningishzida/Thoth/Hermes/Hermes Trismagstus etc. instructed him in how to build a firm foundation capable of supporting the structure. The original “Cornerstone”.  

The Caduces is the original symbol for he who possesses the philosopher’s stone.  It is one of the most ancient symbols of Alchemy.  It signified the enlightened philospher-priest-king.  The archetype of the Egyptian pharaoh, and all the Kings and Chiefs from all over the world that followed.  

The Serpents represent the balance in Duality, of moon and sun, of female and male, of the two hemispheres of the Mind, of the Hermetic Soul, the Enlightened Human, the complete Divine.

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