1923-1896 BC
A baked clay tablet with cuneiform text with list of domestic animals provided as offerings to named gods and seal impressions which reads: "Mat-ili, son of Baba"; string hole on the both sides of the tag; accompanied by a typed and signed scholarly note issued by W.G. Lambert, late Professor of Assyriology at the University of Birmingham, 1970-1993, which states: "Clay tablet with 39 lines of Sumerian cuneiform on the obverse and reverse, and the whole tablet surface rolled with the scribe's cylinder seal to show the seal inscription. It is dated: Third year after a large emblem was made to Ishkur which is very probably a year name of king Ur-Ninurta of Isin, who ruled c. 1924-1896 B.C., but of his 28 yers of reign, only 10 year names are so far known, and one is very similar to this in style. The text is an administrative document recording the assignment of domestic animals as offerings tonamed gods, e.g.: 1 mature billy goat: Damgalnunna, 1 mature billy goat: Nanna, 1 mature billy goat: Pap-Alla, 1 mature billy goat: Anninitum. The tablet has been assembled from pieces, and lacks one corner, but most of the text is preserved, and with conservation it could be read." 272 grams, 12.9cm (5").
Condition Fine condition.