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Ryan Moorhen
Jan 16, 20238 min read
Planet X, Planet 9, Nibiru and the Sumerian Anunnaki
"For centuries, people have speculated about the existence of a mysterious planet beyond the known reaches of our solar system. This...
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Ryan Moorhen
Jan 16, 20235 min read
The Anunnaki in Sumerian Mythology, Gods, Origin & History
The Anunnaki were a group of deities from the ancient Mesopotamian culture that played a role in Sumerian mythology. The term Anunnaki...
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Ryan Moorhen
Jan 8, 20232 min read
Links Between the Nephilim Fallen and Angels and Mesopotamian Apkallu
The Mesopotamian 'Apkallu' Winged Deities and the Nephilim from the Bible are two groups of supernatural beings that have often been...
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Ryan Moorhen
Jan 8, 20231 min read
Mysterious Igigi and the Anunnaki Overlords
In Mesopotamian mythology, the Igigi and the Anunnaki were two groups of deities who were closely related to each other. The Igigi were a...
1,189 views0 comments

Faruq Zamani
Jan 8, 20234 min read
The Sumerian King List and the Anunnaki Gods
There are many theories about the origins of humanity. You may have heard some of the theories surrounding the origins of humanity. The...
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Ryan Moorhen
Jan 8, 20232 min read
Enlil God of Air Discovery
Enlil was a significant deity in the Sumerian pantheon, known as the god of the air and the storm. He was one of the oldest deities in...
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Ryan Moorhen
Jan 8, 20232 min read
Enki, the Anunnaki Pantheon's Most Formiddable Deity
Enki was a significant deity in the Sumerian pantheon, known as the god of water, wisdom, and creation. He was one of the oldest deities...
535 views2 comments

Ryan Moorhen
Apr 30, 20226 min read
Why is Enki so important to Sumerian Mythology
"The Lord of the Earth" As we've discussed in a previous section, Enki is the god of water and earth. He was known as Lord of the Earth,...
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Faruq Zamani
Apr 18, 20225 min read
The Anunnaki in the Bible, a.k.a. the Watchers or Nephilim
Watchers The Watchers are angels from the Old Testament. Their original assignment, according to Jude 1:6, was to watch over mankind....
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Faruq Zamani
Apr 15, 20222 min read
A Quick Analysis Guide to Anunnaki Mythology and How it Influenced Ancient Civilizations
What is Anunnaki Mythology? Anunnaki is translated as "those who came from the sky." It is the name of a mythological race of beings in...
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Faruq Zamani
Apr 15, 20226 min read
Marduk, the Chief God of Babylon in the Time of Nebuchadnezzar
Introducing Marduk, who was not just the chief god of Babylon but also the chief god of all Mesopotamia. Marduk was the chief god of...
766 views0 comments

Faruq Zamani
Apr 15, 20226 min read
Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation
The Story uncovered and pieced together by archeologists and scholars has to do with creating the world and humanity. This is a...
1,401 views0 comments

Faruq Zamani
Apr 15, 20224 min read
Sumerian King List and the Anunnaki Gods
There are many theories about the origins of humanity. You may have heard some of the theories surrounding the origins of humanity. The...
1,939 views0 comments

Faruq Zamani
Apr 15, 20225 min read
Ancient Origins of the Anunnaki, In the beginning, there was Anu
The first thing to know about the Anunnaki is that there is no single understanding of who they were or their role in the mythology....
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